
Mostrando las entradas de 2019

Post 6; Postgraduate Studies

I have sincerely thought about doing higher studies and have gone through different stages of thought. Before entering the university, I projected with a postgraduate or master's degree after finishing my undergraduate, now studying at the university my vision has changed. While I still want to do graduate studies, I think it is important to be inserted in the world of work. It is important to perform and create a career and work contacts, so my thinking of postgraduate studies has changed. Currently I would like to study a master abroad in part time, while I work. The country is not yet defined, but I would like to study in the US, Spain or Germany. I like their cultures and their works made over the years. While personal goals and projections change over time, these are my plans at this time, mainly at this time I focus on finishing the career and moving forward with the architect's long career. I also do not rule out doing a master's degree in FAU, as a compleme

Post 5: My Future Job

Im a architech student and in the future I see myself working as an architect. I like the topic of architecture dedicated to build and project inside and outside the city. I like to work outdoors and in an office, but I think that working on both is necessary and complementary. In the future, I would like to travel around the world for my work. I think traveling for work is something sensational and attractive. I would like to specialize in the technology of the materials for the architecture, I like how different materials can be mixed creating spaces. As for example when joining wood with steel, its wonderful. Another interesting topic is sustainable architecture, I think that all work must be done in a sustainable way and in construction this is a very important issue. I think the mix of sustainability with the experimentation of materials is great. Finally,  another interesting topic is finance and administration, I think I could take studies on the subject afte

Post 4: My Favorite TV show

Honestly, I don't think I have a favorite TV show, above all I like movies. But I think The Simpsons are one of my favorite TV shows, I have seen them 14 years ago and even if they are giving them on the fox channel I keep watching the repeated chapters and some laughs take me out. The Simpsons is a TV series that deals with a fictional American family, in which they caricaturize their gruesome customs. The family consists of 5 characters: Homer (the father), Marge (The mother), Bart (Son), Lisa and Maggie (daughters). There are also secondary characters, who are friends, family and neighbors of the family. It makes me laugh the daily life of his life and how they make fun of American customs, of his stupid consumerism and small customs that the Chilean is already adopting. Apart from having 31 seasons and 669 episodes, they created a family movie. I think it is one of the most enduring series on television and one of the most successful of all time. Honestly it's soft

Post 3: My Best Friend

My best friend is a group friends from the school. Personally a friend is a very important word for me, and is very difficult identify among them a best friend because all are my friends. However, her name of my best friend is Maria Jose. She is my same age and studying for English teacher. I met her at school teen years ago. I traveled with her and we had a good time inside and outside of the country. I consider her my friend because she is always supporting me and I am always available to her. I remember was we traveler for vacation and she has an accident, she was broke the foot and we were in Peru. I remember it perfectly because we did not know what to do with it. We have very happy memories, as well as very sad together memories. She is a very good friend and l love her very much. Probably if she read this she would laugh at my lousy English. If she reads this I send her greetings! Good Bye!

Post 2: The Best Concert ever

Reading this post I put a reflection and never attended a concert. The closest thing I attended are massive parties, I remember once I attended an electronic music festival in 2014, which lasted Friday, Saturday and Sunday. One bought a ticket and could attend with a tent all weekend. There were 4 or 5 stages with different artists at the same time that his name was "Mysteryland" and they were performed in "Picarquin", it was a unique event with unforgettable memories.

Post 1: A Country I would like to visit

CANADA Canada is a country I will like to live in because this country is set in natural environment with amazing flora and fauna and the weather is very interesting for the location. I know about this country is that it has big lakes in winter they get frozen totally and this is very interesting for me. I like the native fauna present in this country for example wild bears and beautiful deer. I would like to work in Canada because the weather is very aggressive and the buildings they must respond this weather because of this the technology in the buildings must be high I find this very interesting. Another interest point is how the climate change affects this region. It is one of the countries most affected by climate change in the world and I think there is a lot of work to do there. Finally I like nature of the place and how it affects people’s lives. Thanks for read! 

>> Welcome !!

Hi! My name is Francisco. I'm  twenty three years old and I'm from Talca, Chile. At present I'm an Architecture Student and I'm doing my 6th semester. I think my weakness in English is listening the speech and the my strengths is read a text.! Thanks for read! Bye :)

Level 4 semester 2 2019